QA done right, the AI way with Salesken’s

Quality Assurance AI

Automate QA, Reduce Costs

Save costs and eliminate manual processes
  • Improve QA efficiency and effectiveness
  • Reduce QA costs by 80%
See it in action now

Evaluate 100% of Sales Calls

Review your sales calls more efficiently
  • Say goodbye to small scale sampling
  • Get the complete picture of your sales processes
  • Never miss a fumble on your watch
See it in action now

Coach Your Reps

Maximize your sales reps’ productivity
  • Offer incident specific feedback
  • Share best practices and learning moments
  • Optimize training program cohorts
See it in action now

Why Choose Salesken for Quality Assurance?

Fast & Accurate Results

Plug & Play Integrations

Secure & Compliant

Frequently Asked Questions

What is quality assurance?

Quality assurance, as implemented through Salesken, involves the real-time monitoring of 100% of your calls and the automation of the quality assessment process. Utilizing Salesken, calls are evaluated across various parameters to guarantee that high-quality conversations occur and that compliance standards are met during client interactions.

What is the cost of AI driven QA versus manual QA?

AI driven QA can reduce costs by up to 80% against a standard manual QA process.

Is AI QA as accurate as a human evaluation?

AI QA in most typical use cases can be as accurate if not more accurate than an average human evaluator. This is because of a combination of factors, including the power of Large Language Model driven AI, the reliability and replicability of software versus human effort, and finally the massive difference between a 100% dataset against a small scale sample.

Why does QA sample size matter?

For the inferences we draw from any QA effort to be meaningful, the sample we choose to analyze must be representative of the entire dataset, and creating a truly representative sample is incredibly hard in practice. For the most part, traditional QA sampling is a convenient fiction - AI driven evaluation of your entire dataset is an obvious and necessary investment for any serious QA practitioner

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